5 minute read

Based on the following blog posts I wrote earlier:

What is Watson Conversation?

Watson Conversation is used to quickly build and deploy chatbots and virtual agents across a variety of channels, including mobile devices, messaging platforms, and even robots. It is available as an IBM Cloud service and is most commonly used via a web interface. The web interface allows users to easily setup their entities and intents, conversation flow, export their workspace (as a JSON file) to share with others, and even test their conversation in the tool.

Use Cases

So, what can you use Watson Conversation for? Aside from creating a chatbot, that’s the obvious choice, what else can you use it for? How about the following:

If you’re unfamiliar with IBM Code Patterns, they are reproducible examples that are hosted on Github and free to use (they often work on IBM Cloud’s free-tier too!). They contain detailed documentation on how to deploy and run the application, and a video to explain things. Below are the patterns we released in 2017 that relate to Watson Conversation.

What to expect in 2018?

Expect more Code Patterns for Watson Conversation for various industry segments, integrated with different backends, and more ports of our famous speech sandbox.If you’re interested in reading more about IBM Code Patterns check out my other blogs about Watson Discovery, Watson Visual Recognition, Watson Data Platform, and PowerAI.

What is Watson Data Platform?

Watson Data Platform is a set of data and analytics features, all available on IBM Cloud. It’s easy to choose a combination of services that application developers, data scientists, and data engineers can use to complement your existing architecture and compose business solution. Whether this is preparing your data with the IBM Data Catalog; storing your data in Cloudant; analyzing it with the IBM Data Science Experience; creating an application with Watson Maching Learning; Watson Data Platform has you covered!

Use Cases

So, what can you use Data Platform for?

If you’re unfamiliar with IBM Code Patterns, they are reproducible examples that are hosted on Github and free to use (they often work on IBM Cloud’s free-tier too!). They contain detailed documentation on how to deploy and run the application, and a video to explain things. Below are the patterns we released in 2017 that relate to Watson Data Platform.

If you’re interested in reading more about IBM Code Patterns check out my other blogs about Watson Discovery, Watson Visual Recognition, Watson Conversation, and PowerAI.

What is Watson Visual Recognition?

Watson Visual Recognition is used to quickly and accurately tag, classify and search visual content using machine learning. It is available as an IBM Cloud service and can be configured via a web interface, API calls, or several SDKs.

Use Cases

So, what can you use Watson Visual Recognition for?

If you’re unfamiliar with IBM Code Patterns, they are reproducible examples that are hosted on Github and free to use (they often work on IBM Cloud’s free-tier too!). They contain detailed documentation on how to deploy and run the application, and a video to explain things. Below are the patterns we released in 2017 that relate to Watson Visual Recognition.

What to expect in 2018?

Expect more Code Patterns for Watson Visual Recognition for more custom classifiers that relate specifically to industry segments, and more fun examples like sorting waste and integrating Watson Visual Recognition with other Watson services. If you’re interested in reading more about IBM Code Patterns check out my other blogs about Watson Discovery, Watson Conversation, Watson Data Platform, and PowerAI.

What is Watson Discovery?

Watson Discovery uses data analysis combined with cognitive intuition in order to take your unstructured data and enrich it so that you can query it to return the information that you need from it. It is available as an IBM Cloud service and can be configured via a web interface, API calls, or several SDKs.

Use Cases

So, what can you use Watson Discovery for?

If you’re unfamiliar with IBM Code Patterns, they are reproducible examples that are hosted on Github and free to use (they often work on IBM Cloud’s free-tier too!). They contain detailed documentation on how to deploy and run the application, and a video to explain things. Below are the patterns we released in 2017 that relate to Watson Discovery.

What to expect in 2018?

Expect more Code Patterns for Watson Discovery that help analyze customer reviews, visualize unstructured data, and how you can customize NLU for higher accuracy. If you’re interested in reading more about IBM Code Patterns check out my other blogs about Watson Conversation, Watson Visual Recognition, Watson Data Platform, and PowerAI.

Hope you enjoyed reading, happy hacking!
